
Journal articles

Sobande, F., & Amponsah, E. L. (2024). Demands, displays, and dreams of “Black joy” during times of crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-22.

Amponsah, E-L. (2023b). “Black dis/engagement: negotiating mainstream media presence and refusal.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 0(0).

Amponsah, E. L. (2023a). Towards a Black Cultural Memory: Black Consciousness and Connectivity in the Online-Offline Continuum. African Diaspora, 15(1), 28-54.

Amponsah, E.-L. (2021). Black women in and beyond Belgian mainstream media: Between opinion–making, dissidence, and marronage. Feminist Media Studies, 21(8), 1285-1301.

Amponsah, E.-L. (2017). Mixed couples, mixed feelings: feelings of white supremacy and black inferiority amongst black-white couples in Belgium and the Netherlands. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 20(2), 165-181.  

Book Chapters

Amponsah, E.-L., Kanobana S., & Demart, S. (forthcoming 2024). A Language of Blackness: Black Subjectivity and Black Activist Politics in Belgium. A New Wave of Antiracism in Europe: From the Margins to the Center? Mariska Jung, Ilke Adam, Jeanne Beaman & Wayne Modest (eds.). London: Springer Nature.

Amponsah, E.-L. (2021). Black Love: een radicale liefdesethiek? In K. De Greave & R. Roodsaz (Eds.), Intieme Revoluties (pp. 53-68). Amsterdam: Boom.

Amponsah, E.-L. (2020). Een draaiboek voor dekolonisatie: hoe het niet moet. Over de her-kolonisatie van het Zwarte lichaam en andere taferelen. In H. Debeuckelaere & G. Abrassart (Eds.), Being Imposed Upon (pp. 145-156). Antwerp: Piebliekeacties.


Amponsah, E.-L. (2024). Waarom we niet altijd de wensen van de ouders moeten respecteren. Ook die van Sanda Dia’s moeder niet. De Standaard:

Amponsah, E.-L. (2023). On Black Cultural Memory. History Workshop:

Amponsah, E-L. (2023). Een lintje doet niets tegen racisme. OneWorld:

Amponsah, E.-L. (2020, July 5). Een maand na het grootste antiracismeprotest in de Belgische geschiedenis dreigt alles weer te worden zoals het was. De Standaard:

Amponsah, E.-L. (2019). White women are the n**gers of the world. Rekto:Verso:

Amponsah, E.-L. & Van Bavel, H. (2018, February 5). “Kleur bekennen: ‘Dit is waarom witte mensen niet blank zijn’” Knack: Waarom witte mensen niet blank zijn” Knack:

Amponsah, E.-L. (2018). Black: weg emancipatie. Rekto:Verso

Amponsah, E.-L. & Van Bavel, H. (2015, October 14). “Waarom witte mensen niet blank zijn” Knack:

Conference Papers
Amponsah, E.-L. on behalf of Black Speaks Back (2024, June 30). Zwarte Ibis: An audiovisual exploration of Black intimacy [video essay]. IAMCR / FLow34: Whiria te tāngata / Weaving people together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Amponsah, E. L. (2023, May 16). Shifting discourses of blackness and Black subjectivity in Europe and Belgium [Paper presentation]. Intersectional, Postcolonial and Digital Approaches to Researching Racialised Minorities in Postmigration Contexts in Europe. Paris, France.

Amponsah, E.-L. on behalf of Black Speaks Back (2022, May 7). Kreyolization II. Hacking The White Cube [video essay]. New Creative Praxis in Film and Television: Hybrid Futures of Gender Equality. Istanbul, Turkey.

Amponsah, E.-L. on behalf of Black Speaks Back (2021, 11 July). KREYOLIZATION II - Escaping the White Cube [video essay]. IAMCR / Flow34: Rethinking borders and boundaries. Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies.

Amponsah, E.-L., Kanobana S., & Demart, S. (2021, 10 January). The languages of blackness in Belgium. [paper presentation] A Second Wave of Antiracism in Europe? VUB, Brussels, Belgium.

Amponsah, E.-L. on behalf of Black Speaks Back (2019, October 10). Kreyolization. Resisting Assimilation Violences in Dutch and Flemish education [Paper presentation]. On the Matter of Blackness in Europe: Transnational Perspectives. Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Amponsah, E.-L. on behalf of Black Speaks Back (2019, August 7). Kreyolization. On knowledge, education and Resistance among Black students in Flanders and The Netherlands. [paper presentation] Afroeuropeans Network Conference: Black in/visibilities contested

Amponsah, E.-L. (2019, 5 June). Mediated memories of Congolese independence: tracing colonial discourses in contemporary Belgian news media. [paper presentation]. Empire’s Metropolitan Afterlives. UCL, London, England.