Film project: Zwarte Ibis (2024, 18’20)

Zwarte Ibis (tr. Black Ibis) portrays a young Black woman’s quest for intimacy in a world where the boundaries between the individual and the collective, the political and the personal, the past and the present, become ever blurrier. This poetic reverie is an afro-surrealistic imagination of contemporary notions of relationships with oneself and with an imagined community, questioning historically and culturally imposed views on Black people’s intimate lives in the diaspora.

Fellowship Racism and Technology Center 2023

In 2023, The Amsterdam Racism and Technology Center awarded me a grant to work on a creative project on the evolution of Black women’s digital intimacies.

My doctoral dissertation titled “Black connectivity: A Qualitative Exploration of Black Cultural Media Practices and Collective Identities in Belgium” was submitted on 12 October 2022 to Ghent University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Communication Sciences.

The research project was supported by the FWO (Research Foundation Flanders) under grant number G002018N.

The doctoral advisory committee consisted of:

Dr. Francesca Sobande (Cardiff University)

Dr. Sarah Demart (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Prof. Dr. Kevin Smets (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Prof. Dr. Nadia Fadil (KU Leuven)

Prof. Dr. Stijn Joye (Ghent University)

Printing: University Press, Wachtebeke, Belgium
With support from Black Speaks Back vzw

Cover design by Naomi Amma Kwaakoa Quartey
Illustration by Manoe Adusei-Owusu | @manoe.nsunkwa